CMVR 1989 MCQ Test - 03 | Cmvr 1989 In Gujarati Pdf |Central Motor Vehicle Rules 1989 In Gujarati Pdf
CMVR 1989 MCQ Test - 03 | Cmvr 1989 In Gujarati Pdf |Central Motor Vehicle Rules 1989 In Gujarati Pdf |
1.Which form is used for issue Medical Certificate?
Form – 1A
2. Medical certificate valid for the period …. ?
1 year
3. Any person driving a goods carriage carrying goods of dangerous or hazardous nature to human life shall be required training period of …. ?
3 day
4. What is the meaning of "adequate knowledge"?
Answering correctly at least 60 per cent
5.Which form is used for application for driving license?
Form – 04
6. Which form is used for issue for driving license?
Form – 06
7. Which form is used for driving certificate?
Form – 05
8. What is valid Period of Driving license?
20 year
9.No person shall appear for the test of competence to drive unless he has held a learner's licence for a period of at least _____ days
30 day
10. Every International Driving Permit issued by a licensing authority shall be in Form 6-A and shall be valid for a period of ____?
Not more than one year
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