CMVR 1989 MCQ Test - 03 | Cmvr 1989 In Gujarati Pdf |Central Motor Vehicle Rules 1989 In Gujarati Pdf - EDU4K

CMVR 1989 MCQ Test - 03 | Cmvr 1989 In Gujarati Pdf |Central Motor Vehicle Rules 1989 In Gujarati Pdf

CMVR 1989 MCQ Test - 03 | Cmvr 1989 In Gujarati Pdf |Central Motor Vehicle Rules 1989 In Gujarati Pdf

1.Which form is used for issue Medical Certificate?

... The answer is B)
Form – 1A

2. Medical certificate valid for the period …. ?

... The answer is D)
1 year

3. Any person driving a goods carriage carrying goods of dangerous or hazardous nature to human life shall be required training period of …. ?

... The answer is C)
3 day

4. What is the meaning of "adequate knowledge"?

... The answer is A)
Answering correctly at least 60 per cent

5.Which form is used for application for driving license?

... The answer is C)
Form – 04

6. Which form is used for issue for driving license?

... The answer is A)
Form – 06

7. Which form is used for driving certificate?

... The answer is D)
Form – 05

8. What is valid Period of Driving license?

... The answer is B)
20 year

9.No person shall appear for the test of competence to drive unless he has held a learner's licence for a period of at least _____ days

... The answer is A)
30 day

10. Every International Driving Permit issued by a licensing authority shall be in Form 6-A and shall be valid for a period of ____?

... The answer is A)
Not more than one year


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