GMVR 1989 MCQ Test - 08| Gmvr 1989 In Gujarati Pdf |Gujarat Motor Vehicle Rules 1989 In Gujarati Pdf - EDU4K

GMVR 1989 MCQ Test - 08| Gmvr 1989 In Gujarati Pdf |Gujarat Motor Vehicle Rules 1989 In Gujarati Pdf

GMVR 1989 MCQ Test - 08| Gmvr 1989 In Gujarati Pdf |Gujarat Motor Vehicle Rules 1989 In Gujarati Pdf

1. auto-rickshaw shall not be driven at a speed in excess of _____ per hour?

... The answer is A)
20 Kms

2. “School Auto” Shall be Painted on_____

... The answer is C)
Yellow back ground & Red text

3. The weight in kilograms of goods carried on a stage carriage shall not exceed ______? N = registered passenger seating capacity of the vehicle, X = number of passengers carried on the vehicle

... The answer is D)

4. Public service vehicle owner of a public service vehicle shall be disinfected with D.D.T. every ____?

... The answer is B)
Two month

5. Light motor vehicle having gross vehicle weight less than 900 kilograms Carriage of persons in goods carriages?

... The answer is D)
1 person

6. Any heavy goods vehicle having gross vehicle weight more than 12000 kilograms Carriage of persons in goods carriages?

... The answer is A)
7 person

7. Any other light motor vehicle having gross vehicle weight less than 7500 kilograms Carriage of persons in goods carriages?

... The answer is C)
3 person

8. Any medium goods vehicle having gross vehicle weight between 7500-11999 kilograms Carriage of persons in goods carriages?

... The answer is D)
5 person

9. A minimum floor space required per head, Carriage of goats, sheep, and deer or pigs animals in goods carriage?

... The answer is C)
0.19 square meter

10. A minimum floor space required per head, Carriage of other than goats, sheep, and deer or pigs animals in goods carriage?

... The answer is D)
2 metres x 1 metre per head


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